Frasch Stuli
STULI is the perfect addition behind retail counters, on tradeshow floors, or in any space where long periods of standing are required. Take a load off on STULI, a stool intended for perching and designed to give tired feet a rest. The unique design incorporates a solid wooden frame completely covered with 9mm PET felt to blend in with your acoustical surroundings
STULI is the perfect addition behind retail counters, on tradeshow floors, or in any space where long periods of standing are required. Take a load off on STULI, a stool intended for perching and designed to give tired feet a rest. The unique design incorporates a solid wooden frame completely covered with 9mm PET felt to blend in with your acoustical surroundings
STULI is the perfect addition behind retail counters, on tradeshow floors, or in any space where long periods of standing are required. Take a load off on STULI, a stool intended for perching and designed to give tired feet a rest. The unique design incorporates a solid wooden frame completely covered with 9mm PET felt to blend in with your acoustical surroundings